Facilities & Energy ManagementThe Facilities specialized track is a growing model for providing organizations with turnkey, cost-effective project planning and implementation support. Through SEI’s Climate Corps fellowship program, our team works to recruit and place a dedicated emerging sustainability professional at a higher education (college, university, or district) site. PG&E or the local utility helps to fund the innovative fellowship while Strategic Energy Innovations (SEI) and the campus staff partner (typically in facilities) collaborate to scope the Fellow’s position and breadth of projects. Fellows gain professional training and development through SEI, but report directly to campus staff on a regular basis.
Case Study
Contra Costa Community College District
Fume Hood Occupancy Sensor Installation & Face Velocity Setback
Results: Installed and programmed occupancy sensors on 28 laboratory fume hoods throughout Los Medanos College's Science Building. Success Story: Fellow managed third-party firms and coordinated with campus stakeholders to procure, install, and program occupancy sensors and ensured Prop 39 requirements were met. Monetary Savings: $50,967/year kW Savings: 3.2 kW/year Saving to Investment Ratio: 95.44 |
Lighting Occupancy Sensor Installation
Results: Installed and programmed light occupancy throughout the 4CD district office bathrooms. Success Story: Fellow managed procurement and installation process and third-party firms to install and program sensors. Continued to follow up with office staff to ensure occupant comfort was maintained. Monetary Savings: $632/year kW Savings: 0.6 kW/year Saving to Investment Ratio: 1.89 |
Cell Tower Utility Reimbursements
Results: Collected reimbursements from cellular providers for the historical electricity use from cell towers installed on the district office roof. Success Story: Fellow researched cell tower leases and historical payments to the district and discovered utility reimbursements were not paid to the district for several years. This issue was communicated to cellular service providers and full reimbursements were paid to the district. Total Reimbursement: $43,742.06 |
Key Program Differences
Climate Corps Fellows supporting the Facilities program will commit to 10 months of service with their host organizations, under the same model as the Climate Corps program. There are several key differences between the two programs, outlined here:
- Fellows serve on the facilities team at the campus or district level.
- Fellows join and interact with an inner Climate Corps network of Facilities campuses, staff, and Fellows
PG&E is the sponsor of the Facilities specialized track and has validated energy and cost saving metrics.
"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation.© 2017 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by PG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.
"PG&E" refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation.© 2017 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by PG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.